Message from the President

Underpinning all Nichirei Group business activities is our mission—Focus on Lifestyles, and Provide True Satisfaction—as well as our corporate vision of continuing to support good eating habits and health by leveraging our state-of-the-art manufacturing practices that optimize nature’s bounty, along with our leading-edge logistics services. Understanding needs throughout the world, creating and providing valuable products and services that satisfy customers is the reason Nichirei exists.
Starting from FY2023 (for the year ended March 31, 2023), we put policies and systems in place for a greater focus on sustainability management. We have resources in a wide range of sectors, from ingredient procurement to logistics and food. Through our efforts to create synergies among those resources, we will make our communities more sustainable, and in so doing transform our existing revenue structure to raise our economic value while also creating new social value.
As Nichirei’s president, I cannot emphasize too strongly that no matter how much the external environment may change, we will strive to be a company that continues to do business for the next 100 years by leveraging our flexibility and continuously creating distinctive Nichirei products and services that meet the needs of society.
Kenya Okushi
Representative Director, President&Chief Executive Officer
Nichirei Corporation