Human Resources Initiatives
Occupational Health and Safety
The Nichirei Group has established occupational health and safety committees based on Japan’s Industrial Safety and Health Act, and is working to promote health and safety management aimed at preventing occupational accidents and managing the health of employees. At our head office, as well as at each branch office, we strive to eliminate long working hours and reduce overtime work, while at food factories and refrigerated warehouses, we do our best to prevent accidents. This is in addition to other working environment improvement efforts we undertake, tailored to the conditions of each workplace.
In addition, based on the idea that improvement of customer satisfaction (CS) and improvement of employee satisfaction (ES) are inseparable, the Group performs periodic ES surveys at each operating company.
The Group aims to improve employees’ ability to attain their work goals and create employee-focused workplaces by moving through a plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle: conducting surveys, giving feedback on survey results, identifying issues and assigning priorities, and planning and executing solutions.
Risks related to health and safety are discussed and addressed through the Health Promotion Council, and the situation is monitored by the Group Human Resources Committee, which is composed of directors.
Regarding the planning and execution of measures, the Group is implementing a variety of solutions, such as having each operating company’s president and human resources representative gather for meetings of the Group Human Resources Committee (held twice a year) to share their progress, as well as devising other effective measures for operating companies.
Health Management
In FY2016, the Health Promotion Group was established in Human Resources Strategy & General Affairs as the department dedicated to health management. In FY2017, the Group formulated the Nichirei Group Health Declaration and Group Health Management Standards. In addition to publicizing this declaration both internally and externally, the Group has appointed a holding company health promotion manager as well as operating company health promotion managers and representatives.
We emphasize the analysis of health check results as a risk assessment measure for health and safety. The contents of the analysis are described in the “health white paper” and published internally. In addition, they are used as reference in conducting health-related education and initiatives in line with trends in employee health conditions, as well as for providing healthier meals at employee cafeterias.
Health Management Initiatives
Recognizing the health of employees as an important management issue for a company seeking sustainable growth, Nichirei set up the Health Promotion Group in FY2016. This is a dedicated health management section within Human Resources Strategy & General Affairs. In FY2017, the Group formulated the Nichirei Group Health Declaration and Group Health Management Standards. In addition to publicizing this declaration both internally and externally, the Group has appointed a holding company health promotion manager as well as operating company health promotion managers and representatives.
Regular medical check-ups—including X-ray screening for the early detection of tuberculosis and screening for various types of cancer—together with thorough follow-up measures are led by occupational health staff. We are also implementing various health promotion measures, including conducting health awareness activities and stress checks during the medical check-ups, and hands-on health-related support events for employees that utilize Nichirei Foods’ Kikubari Gozen frozen health management meals. For our small offices and employees overseas, we conduct remote interviews using information and communication technology systems.
As a result of these efforts, the Nichirei Group was recognized for the fifth consecutive year by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) under the 2021 Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program in the Large Enterprise Category.
Hiring and Promotion of Human Resources
Fair Employment Opportunities
The Nichirei Group has fair hiring practices based on aptitude and ability, not personal attributes.
In hiring new university graduates, we select candidates impartially, posting application details and all other relevant information on our website, and accepting a wide variety of applications.
For many years, we have offered post-retirement employment opportunities, and in 2002 we established the Senior Staff System. In 2006, in accordance with the revised Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons, we transitioned to the New Senior Staff System. As a result of the Senior Staff System and post-retirement re-hiring, there are currently over 100 senior staff working in the Nichirei Group.
We also proactively hire foreign residents of Japan.
Human Resources Development
The Nichirei Group places the CEO of each operating company in charge of building an optimal human resource development system (education system and career development).