Nichirei Foods Four Principles of Food Defense
Nichirei Foods formulates the Nichirei Foods Four Principles of Food Defense.
Nichirei Foods Four Principles of Food Defense
Principle 1.
Build relationships of trust.
Create an organizational climate of fairness and justice.
Principle 2.
Avoid suspicious persons.
Prevent intrusion by outsiders or suspicious persons.
Principle 3.
Prevent attacks.
Discourage suspicious behavior.
Principle 4.
Enable verification.
Monitor employee activities.
The following is a detailed explanation of the Four Principles.
Principle 1. Build relationships of trust.
To encourage proactive improvement, Nichirei Foods conducts activities in which production factory employees propose ideas regarding possible improvements. Through in-house commendations and the horizontal spread of ideas at all factories, employees are motivated to spontaneously engage in these efforts, resulting in numerous proposals being submitted every year.
In addition, to build relationships of trust through communication, roundtable discussions called Agura are held at which management and employees engage in dialogues. The meetings are conducted in small groups, providing management and employees an opportunity to discuss their thoughts and ideas.

Ceremony to commend employees who have suggested improvements.

Staff attend roundtable discussions.
Principle 2. Avoid suspicious persons.
Nichirei Foods has security controls in place at all entrances and exits.
To prevent intrusion by outsiders or those acting suspiciously, security cameras are installed at all factory entrances and exits, with all employees using IC tags when entering or exiting.

IC tag authentication
Principle 3. Prevent attacks.
Principle 4. Enable verification.
Nichirei Foods has security cameras inside factories to check for process abnormalities and monitor employee activities.
The Company has developed the proprietary Product Assistant System (PAS), which digitalizes the flow of ingredients and processing records for all operations. This facilitates the centralized management and instantaneous traceability of information pertaining to quality.

Security camera surveillance video

PAS operation