Directors, Auditors and Executive Officers

Outside Director | Kenji Hamashima

Kenji Hamashima
  • Career Summary

    • April 1982

      Joined Ushio, Inc.

    • April 1999

      Director, President, CEO, Ushio America, Inc.

    • November 2000

      Director, President, CEO, Christie Digital Systems, Inc.

    • April 2004

      Senior Group Executive Officer, Ushio, Inc.

    • April 2007

      Group Managing Executive Officer, Ushio, Inc.

    • June 2010

      Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer, Ushio, Inc.

    • April 2014

      Representative Director, Senior Executive Vice President, Ushio, Inc.

    • October 2014

      Representative Director, Chief Executive Officer, Ushio, Inc.

    • April 2019

      Corporate Advisor, Ushio, Inc.

    • April 2020

      Special Counselor, Ushio, Inc. (to the present)

    • June 2020

      Outside Director, Inabata & Co., Ltd.

    • June 2022

      Outside Director, Audit and Supervisory Committee Member, Inabata & Co., Ltd.
      Outside Director, the Company (to the present)

    • June 2024

      Outside Director, Takamatsu Construction Group Co., Ltd. (to the present)