Stakeholder Engagement

Expanded IR Activities

The president regularly provides a number of opportunities for direct communication with investors about management strategy and to answer questions. In addition, since FY2012, we have been conducting Company information briefings to allow for direct communication with individual investors.

Our IR activities targeting overseas investors include the timely publishing of English-language financial statements and briefing materials on our corporate website, and direct communication with overseas institutional investors through investor visits.

Stakeholder Engagement

As it engages in global business activities, the Nichirei Group recognizes the importance of communicating and maintaining dialogue with its diverse stakeholders. To foster deeper mutual understanding, the Group is fostering a number of initiatives, and encouraging the disclosure of relevant information, in order to reflect the expectations and concerns of its stakeholders, while building corporate value by establishing friendly, long-term relationships.

Stakeholder Target Primary issue Mean/method of communication Frequency
Customer Better customer satisfaction and corporate branding: to be achieved through prompt, appropriate, and sincere responses to consumer requests and feedback.
  • Quality assurance for products and services
  • Proper delivery of information
  • Supply of delicious food, as well as greater availability of, and better accessibility to, a rich array of meal options
Customer Service Center Routine
Customer satisfaction survey Once a year
Website As necessary
Social media As necessary
Deeper understanding of the Company and higher corporate value: to be achieved by timely and appropriate disclosures.
  • Maintaining and improving corporate value
  • Appropriate distribution of profits
  • Disclosure of accurate information
General Meetings of Shareholders Once a year
Financial results briefings Four times a year
Business information sessions, facility tours Once a year
Detailed interviews with individual investors from Japan and overseas As necessary
IR website As necessary
Integrated Report Once a year
Business partner Strong, effective, and stable long-term relationships with business partners throughout the supply chain
  • CSR procurement
  • Mutual development achieved through customer intimacy
CSR procurement survey for suppliers Survey ongoing since 2018
Meetings and seminars with invited participation from business partners Once a year
Employee Favorable labor–management relations; greater employee motivation; a dynamic organizational climate
  • Occupational safety, health
  • Job satisfaction
  • Workstyle reform
  • Health management
Establishment of an internal reporting center 24 hours per day
Creation of an employee assistance and mental health consultation center 24 hours per day
Labor–management council Twice a year
Health and safety committee Once per month
Symposiums involving management and employees Annual (all worksites)
Intranet Routine
Employee award system Once a year
Employee satisfaction survey Once a year
Employee stress checks Once a year
Local community Smooth, enduring business operations as a trusted and respected company: to be achieved by building favorable relations with surrounding communities.
  • Harmonious coexistence with local communities
  • Preservation of local environment
  • Educational activities in the local community
Social contribution activities As necessary
Participation in local events As necessary
Volunteer activities As necessary
Dietary education activities As necessary
Food factory and distribution warehouse tours As necessary
Acceptance of internships As necessary
Hosting of sporting events As necessary
Trade organization
Collaboration with other companies, by taking part in conferences and other events involving government ministries and trade organizations; resolving of social issues by collaborating and cooperating with NGOs and NPOs in Japan and abroad.
  • Climate change
  • Food loss
  • Sustainable public procurement of food
TCFD Consortium As necessary
Japan Frozen Food Association As necessary
Japan Association of Refrigerated Warehouses As necessary
Japan Fisheries Association As necessary
Authorized NPO Second Harvest Japan Twice per month
World Wide Fund for Nature As necessary
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil Once a year
Non-renewal of Takeover Defense Measures

In the wake of the revision of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the need to continue takeover defense measures has diminished to the extent that the measures have not been renewed.
They were originally introduced to protect us against any attempts to buy the Company, when information would need to be provided and time secured for our shareholders to determine whether the takeover is appropriate.