DX Strategy
In 2021, we formulated the DX Strategy linked to the Nichirei Group Material Matters (five priority agenda items).
Overall DX Strategy
The Nichirei Group has positioned various activities for business transformation using data and technology as DX. We have established Value Creation DX, Production/Logistics DX, Sustainability DX, Human Resources DX, and Management Base DX, all linked to the Group’s five Material Matters.
In addition, we have launched a community website for DX activities called DIG!LAB, and also provide DX training programs to enable all Group employees to acquire digital literacy.
Nichirei Group’s DX Strategy
Each employee should have a command of data technology to
continue providing new value for the Earth and its people.
Value Creation DX
Value Creation DX
We will utilize data and digital technology to create new businesses that contribute to good eating habits and a longer healthy life expectancy, and to offer improved experience value for our customers. Through initiatives that go beyond our own industry, we also aim to build new ecosystems and work to monetize them.
Production/Logistics DX
Production/Logistics DX
We will work for the automation of production and logistics using IoT, AI, robotics, and other methods, and for overall optimization to link factories and warehouses in such areas as ascertaining production volume at factories, and incoming, outgoing and storage volume at refrigerated warehouses. We will also work to achieve optimal equipment operation and maintenance that mobilizes our factory and warehouse management know-how, and to conduct all-inclusive control of multiple sites.
Sustainability DX
Sustainability DX
We will work to create a sustainable supply chain by collecting, managing, and analyzing information on the sustainability of all parties throughout the entire chain, from raw material sources to consumers.
Human Resources DX
Human Resources DX
We will deploy the optimal human resources to the most appropriate places in the Company. At the same time, we will improve work efficiency by promoting cooperation with external human resources.
Management Base DX
Management Base DX
We will collect, manage, and analyze all internal and external data, having converted them into valuable information, and provide them to management in a timely manner for speedy decision-making.