DX Initiatives


Community for DX Promotion
To promote DX activities within the group, we started a community activity in 2022 named DIG!LAB as a venue for enthusiastic members to get together and mutually support each other. A portal site has also been launched to share information focusing on DX, holding seminars by external lecturers, and introducing useful functions of Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.). DX training for all employees is also provided by that site. Supporting the passion of employees—that is what DIG!LAB does.

Truck Berth Reservation System:

Significantly Reduces Driver Waiting Time
In 2017, the Nichirei Logistics Group headquarters and branches—which are responsible for the logistics of the Nichirei Group—introduced the Truck Berth Reservation System at 50 sites nationwide in Japan to alleviate and eliminate the problem of waiting for vehicles. Having enabled the advance reservation of berths (spaces for loading and unloading cargo) for incoming vehicles, the system has succeeded in significantly reducing the amount of time that trucks are on standby. The system has also reduced CO2 emissions, an achievement for which it was given a special prize at the 23rd Logistics Environment Awards (sponsored by the Japan Association for Logistics and Transport).
Truck Berth Reservation System

Robots with AI in Food Factories:

Automatically Captures Burnt Bits of Fried Rice
Nichirei Foods has developed its own AI to improve the efficiency of food factories. Two new facilities equipped with image-recognition AI have already been installed at a new frozen-rice production plant that Kyurei Corporation started operating in 2023. Previously, burnt bits produced during the cooking of fried rice at the plant had been removed by human operators, but now robots automatically judge and remove them after analyzing images. In addition to accurately distinguishing between burnt and roasted pork—which used to be difficult—the robots can also determine the ratio of ingredients and detect equipment problems.
Robots with AI in Food Factories

RPA (Robotics Process Automation):

Automation of Operations by Robots
We utilize RPA (Robotics Process Automation) to improve the efficiency of clerical work. Through that, the time previously wasted on routine tasks is replaced with time to create added value. At our Nichirei Logistics Group, which introduced RPA nationwide in 2018, approximately 400,000 hours of operations per year had been converted as of the end of FY2023. In promoting the project, not only the IT department but also employees at business sites, including distribution centers across the country, created automation scenarios on their own to transform their operations. We will further transform our operations through RPA and develop human resources who can create added value.

Risk Recognition Training:

Introduction of VR Goggles
The Nichirei Logistics Group, which oversees the low-temperature logistics business, has been conducting risk-recognition training using VR goggles since 2020 to prevent accidents in its warehouses. Participants can experience cases of forklift accidents through VR from the respective standpoints of the operator, victim, and third party, as well as learn safety behavior through quizzes while touring the facility. Ten types of content allow for repeated learning of proper procedures, and lead to further improvement of safety and quality awareness.
Risk Recognition Training

Store Search:

Easy Customer Access to Products of Their Choice
In 2022, Nichirei Foods added a function to its official website allowing users to search for stores that carry our frozen foods for consumption at home. Before, when customers wanted to know where to get our products, they had to contact our customer service center. Now, with the new search function, customers can find the stores by themselves using their smartphones or PCs anytime, anywhere, making it easier for them to get the products they want. We will continue to reflect customer feedback in our efforts to further improve the convenience of our services.
Store Search

Digitizing Invoices:

A Full-fledged Paperless System
The Nichirei Group has been working on a full-fledged paperless system since FY21 against the background of the revision of Japan’s Electronic Books Preservation Act in January 2022, the response to the diversification of work styles, and the start of the Invoice-based Method of accounting in October 2023. We have installed a system to digitize all invoices received and have established a workflow that does not involve paper. In addition to cost reduction and operational efficiency, the system also offers the benefit of security measures to prevent such risks as loss, leakage, and the deterioration of paper.
Digitizing Invoices

Talent Management System:

Centralization of Human Resource Information
The Nichirei Group started implementing a talent management system in 2021 to centralize personnel information that had formerly been managed by multiple systems. The system is used in a wide range of situations, such as by management for the promotion of women and the development of next-generation human resources, and by employees for internal recruitment and self-analysis based on the results of aptitude tests. We will further utilize the system as a support tool for decision-making to realize management strategies.
Talent Management System