About Antifreeze Proteins (AFPs)

About AFPs

AFPs, including antifreeze glycoproteins (AFGPs) are proteins found in fish, insects, plants, microorganisms, and other living things that exist in low-temperature environments.

These proteins lower the temperature at which an organism freezes and contribute to maintaining the organism’s life by preventing freezing and the recrystallization of ice crystals.

Antifreeze proteins bond strongly to the surface of innumerable microscopic ice crystals that form in water at the moment of freezing and suppress their growth. Normally, ice crystals that form in an aqueous solution grow from a disk into an elliptical shape, but antifreeze proteins adhere to the ice and change the shape of the ice crystals. Even if the temperature is lowered only slightly, the size of the ice crystals remains nearly unchanged.

In addition, the AFPs inside fish have been observed as resulting in prolonged cell life, leading to the discovery that AFPs attach to the lipid bilayer membrane.

For some time, Nichirei has collaborated with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) to promote the development of technologies for efficiently extracting antifreeze proteins from fish.

There are several types of fish AFPs that differ in amino acid composition and three-dimensional structure, and each has different ice crystal and cellular properties.

Types of AFPs in Fish

Types of fish with AFPs Amino acid sequence characteristics 33D structure
Mw = 2,600-33,000

Emerald Rockcod

Notothenioidei, Codidae

Repeated disaccharide-modified alanine-alanine-threonine


Predicts polyproline II helix structure

Type I AFP
Mw = 3,300-4,500

Winter Flounder

Flatfish, Cottidae

Comprising repeating units of Thr-X10 (X is mainly Ala)

Referred to as α-helices structures

Mw = 14,000-24,000

Atlantic Herring

Clupeidae, Osmeridae, Hemitripteridae

High affinity with sugar chain recognition domain of Ca2+-dependent lectins

Stabilized by S-S bond

Mw = 6,500-7,000

Ocean Pout


Comprise various amino acids
Many do not contain S-S bonds

Includes beta-sandwich structure